Artist Statement
When I work with my hands, I am reminded that I am human, that I am embarking on a journey of creation and discovery.
The work that I do reflects my passions, fascinations, fears, doubts, joys & realizations. Depending on the chosen medium, the piece may be a representation of my pleasure in playing with color, patterns and design. I begin a piece by gazing at my chosen material until I see shapes come to life through imperfections, shadows and light. The materials I choose usually depend on my mood, and my techniques are born from experimenting with the media.
I know a piece is done when I can walk away from it, feeling balanced and confident. When my work is going well I am filled with a sense of attainment and triumph as I have carried an idea through to execution.
When people see my work, I want them to stare for a while and let their senses be awakened and their minds become fascinated and stimulated. I want them to be enlivened and encouraged by the realization of our connection.